Project Prometheus: Fire to the Masses


The world has changed this past fourteen years. That’s when I first joined EVE online; the dull summer between highschool and college, the first week of which was a blur of classes, frenzied studying, and huge amounts of stress. And yet, EVE Online began a journey that led me through all kinds of adventures, relationships, and experiences that gave me some critical skills I wouldn’t have sought out to develop otherwise.


Talking to people had never been my forte. Books, music, and single player videogames had been my main time wasters in what was probably a largely squandered highschool experience. But with EVE Online, talking was absolutely critical. It was vital. And it was richly rewarded with friendships that I never would have imagined being possible. Cutting across thousands of miles of distance, EVE brought me into the world of political intrigue, intelligence gathering, counter intelligence, and military strategy that I never would have been exposed to. Along the way, I realized what kind of person I wanted to be. I wanted to create a community and build a home for players that could collaborate at a high level, grow their unique skills, and play as an effective team, all the while avoiding the odious burdens of more authoritarian and malicious groups I had unfortunately happened across.

As I continued this journey, I started my first corporation, Synenose Accord, then my second, Moira. And eventually, we became the custodians of our alliance, Villore Accords, better known as GMVA. We weathered and survived many storms, disasters, invasions, mistakes, attempted coups (looking at you Glitch ;) ) and eventually made it here to 2021. This year of recovery after the height of COVID has had me spend a great deal of time in introspection about why I play EVE, and what EVE is as a game for my friends and I. And what it could be.

What EVE is is a crucible for change. It changes us, the players, and forces us to adapt and grow to challenging circumstances. It changes the way we think and respond to situations as we learn better PVP methods, better tactics, better ship fittings, better strategies. But more importantly, it changes how we interact with each other. Instead of being a videogame where everyone just clicks auto-queue and plays with random strangers, we get to know the people we fly with, we bond, and become a team in a way no other videogame makes possible.

Unfortunately, there is a dwindling supply of organizations in EVE that support that quest for growth and change. We see the huge nullsec alliances and blocks grow inexorably into hegemonic nightmares, with no end in sight. There never ending copy-paste troll wars on r/eve. There are the supercapital ship wielding superpowers of lowsec that stomp out all life and content generation in their significant gravitational radius.

Following a reevaluation of all these things, I wish to recommit GMVA to the purpose of growth and change. We will be an engine of content generation. We will make new friends, new enemies, and get more killmails. We’re going to reach out and try to make an impact in this world, and be an oasis in the desert made by the superpowers.

We need your support to make this happen. If you wish to fight with us, contact me in game and let’s make it happen.

Julianus Soter out.